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Pkl language

There are many configuration languages such as json, yaml and toml. They are perfect for simple tasks but quickly get out of hand when it is used for seting up complicated systems like docker or kubernetes. Then Pkl language from Apple came to rescue. Here is the link to the home page. (Don't confuse this with Python's pickle.)

Biggest advantages of Pkl are - validations - import of other files - lazy evaluation

Quick example

name = "Pkl: Configure your Systems in New Ways"
attendants = 100
isInteractive = true
amountLearned = 13.37
$ pkl eval -f json /Users/me/tutorial/intro.pkl
  "name": "Pkl: Configure your Systems in New Ways",
  "attendants": 100,
  "isInteractive": true,
  "amountLearned": 13.37


For linux (amd64)

curl -L -o pkl ''
chmod +x pkl
./pkl --version


I am a heavy user of Python and needed binding to pkl. Since pkl is very new, I needed to make my own. Here is the link to the github page

Quick Introduction

Install with pip install pkl-python

import pkl
config = pkl.load("path/to/pkl/file.pkl")